Admission Coordinators Take On Summer!

Inscription Of Word Vacation Written On Wet Yellow Beach Sand by Serge Bertasius |
Inscription Of Word Vacation Written On Wet Yellow Beach Sand by Serge Bertasius |

As our cycle draws to a close and the piercing rays of a long-awaited sun shine bright through our windows, Admission Coordinators at UBC begin to dream of summer. Here is a sneak peak into some of the exciting adventures awaiting us!

Q: What are you doing this summer? 

Leslie Thomson: I’ll be heading back to Ontario to meet my niece and celebrate my grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary!

Judy Lee: My family and I will be heading up for a few days in Whistler this August.

Molly Lewis: I will be celebrating my mom’s 60th birthday with a month-long trip to France for lots of sun and food.

Jordan Lee: Heading on a two-week Europe trip through France, Spain and Portugal.

Lauren Small: In June, I will be heading to Tofino for a long weekend.

Riana Ang-Canning: Returning to Toronto to be a bridesmaid in two weddings and a roadtrip to the Calgary Stampede.

Cassie Dominic: Flying home to Malaysia and surprising my mom with a trip to Singapore and birthday meal at Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant.

Lesley McKay: Camping trips around Garibaldi Lake and the coast islands. And shopping for a downtown Vancouver condo.

Marla Rootman: Spending time with family and visiting relatives in Winnipeg, Montreal and Ottawa.

Wishing all of our Enrolment Services colleagues a happy and safe summer!

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