Pet of the Month: Yaffe!

Human companion: Jenny Park

Name of Pet: Yaffe

Type/Breed: Maltese

Age: 6 years old

Yaffe’s Favourite Pastime: Munching on chicken nuggets! She loves rolling around on the carpet and scratching her back. She also makes silly piggy noises all the time. But most of all, picnics at the beach in the summertime with lots of snacks is her favourite thing ever!

Interesting Facts: Yaffe is a fierce pup but her one weakness is SNOW! Her short little legs make it difficult for her to enjoy her walkies on cold, snowy days. Good thing she appreciates warm baths and homemade treats to cheer her up afterwards!

Favourite Thing(s) about Yaffe: She is just the cutest puppy ever! Even though she is 6 years old now, she still acts like a puppy and looks like one too. She’s a huge cuddle lover and foodie. Yaffe is patient but also craves attention – she has to be near her human at all times! Plus, she’s suuuper soft and fluffy!

Origin Story: Yaffe met Jenny for the first time when she was around 1 year old. She had bounced around from house to house, as no family wanted to keep her. They were afraid that she would have problems with her leg when she got older and didn’t want to face the responsibilities. She had a history of problems with her hind leg starting from when she was just a puppy. Her previous owners had left her on a piano chair where she had fallen and broken her leg when she was only 2 weeks old! Poor Yaffe had to undergo intense surgery, but recovered so well. Jenny did not care about the complications. She took her in and it was love at first sight! They are best of buddies, happy and healthy as ever!

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