UBC ValentineFebruary in the Undergraduate Admissions office is a hectic time filled with last-minute applications, piles of transcripts and countless emails,  but Cupid still manages to stick an arrow or two into the hearts of the very busy coordinators, advisors and managers on Brock Hall’s second floor.

Read on to learn how Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the land of Admissions!

What is your favourite Valentine’s Day treat?
Brian T: Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt Squares
Molly L: Chocolate covered strawberries
Cassie D: I like to stay in and cook a meal together
Leslie T: Chocolate sales on Feb 15th

What is your guilty pleasure romance movie?
Debbie O: Love Actually
Leslie T: Notting Hill
Cassie D: Crazy, Stupid, Love
Cam H: Sleepless in Seattle

What is the best Valentine’s gift you have ever received?
Sean B: In Japan, where I lived for quite a long time, the tradition is for women to give men gifts/chocolate on valentines day. Then, on March 14th, they have something called “White Day” where men are supposed to return the favour to the women who gave them gifts.
Nicola A: I always ask for time, so the gift is a day trip somewhere. Every year is the best, as it’s about adventure and being inspired by the person you are with and the surroundings you are in.
Bunny A: A dozen red roses and dinner at Bishop’s Restaurant.
Cam H: Flowers he picked out.

And the worst?
Riana A: An IOU for a gift
Bunny A: The Valentine’s Day that was forgotten….
Cam H: Carnations

If your ideal Valentine’s Day was a song, what song would it be?
Sean B: I’d Rather Be With You – Joshua Radin
Molly L: The Way You Look Tonight – Frank Sinatra
Bunny A: I’m Your Captain – Grand Funk
Nicola A: You and Me – The Wannadies

Thank you to everyone in the Admissions office who participated and Happy Day of Love to all!