In our course reading ‘Cyberspace Smoke Signals’ (Zimmerman et al., 2000), a website ‘Native American Indian Resources’ created by Paula Giese is described. The link given was no longer active but I was able to find the website using Google. The site contains over 300 web pages organized by the topics: maps, stories, art, astronomy, herbal knowledge, food recipes, books, schools, nations, games, Maya, Arvol Looking Horse, and Pocohontas. The site was last update on 6/11/97 as Paula Geise passed away during the summer of 1997, however it has been maintained but many of the external links appear to be broken now.
Zimmerman, L. J. et al. (2000). Cyberspace smoke signals: new technologies and native American ethnicity, In Smith, C. and Ward, G. K. (eds)(2000). Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World. Vancouver: UBC Press, 69-86.