Tag Archives: Elder Stories

Australian Aboriginal Elder’s Stories

Nganyinytja – Aboriginal Elder of the Pitjantjatjara people of Central Australia.

This site was an interesting but frustrating find.  I do love the title:  “Much harm has come from forgetting the land..”  It goes on to describe: “The Australian aboriginal people have lived in harmony with this huge and mainly desert continent for many thousands of years. They know the secrets of the land and they respect and care for it.”  This site compares Western mainstream culture which they term “white government” and Indigenous peoples’ culture through specific Elders stories.  Elder, Nganyinytja, stories and her contributions will be an great addition to my list of resources for future work.  Others who are interested in learning about authentic Elder stories and traditions would also find this an interesting read but they may be discouraged to read further due to the organization of the information.  Although this site includes interesting information, I was disappointed in the aesthetics and design of the site.  The links are all at the bottom and not embedded in the text (perhaps on purpose to ensure you scroll through everything to the bottom).  I would have liked to see more diversity in the topics and suggested links and sources included.  I think it was meant to be a stand-alone piece of writing.