Tag Archives: Wii Chiiwaakanak

Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre – Manitoba


This document was found in the “Community Living Manitoba” website. It talks about he opening of the Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre (University of Winnepeg) and how this will help bridge the digital divide and help Aboriginal students and community members with the opportunity to explore their past and navigate their future. This Wii Chiiwaakanak project will serve over 800 Aboriginak students at the University of Winnepeg. It will provide them the technology and resources to fully engage with their rich heritage and today’s realities. The centre’s largest funder is the RBC Financial Group in support of The RBC Community Learning Commons. Computer-based learning, mentoring, and urban distance education for Aboriginal children and adult learners is the prime focus of The RBC Community Learning Commons. They will help bridge the digital divide by providing access to and instructional support to computer technology for everyone in the local community. They will also help to nurture the next generation of computer confident literate learners. This document is useful and interesting for those who are doing research about Canadian organizations that have taken action to help Aboriginal communities close the digital divide gap.