Module 1 – Post 2 – Margaret Commodore tells her story

In my previous post I wrote about the TRC’s BC National Event happening this past week in Vancouver.  In researching more about this event, I’ve come across blog posts written by a former journalist who highlights some of the stories that have emerged from the sharing circles.

This first one is especially meaningful to me because it describes the experiences of Margaret Commodore, who is part of the Sto:lo Nation and lives in my community.  In her testimony at the sharing circle she describes her abuse, how she suppressed it and the unexpected resurgence of the hurt roused by paintings that reminded her of the residential school.  She speaks of forgiving just about everyone, but not yet her abuser.

Margaret concluded with “I won’t apologize for my tears, because I deserve them.”

The next post from the blog author was entitled “Tears, but Laughter Too: Hearing from Survivors of Residential Schools”.  It followed a similar strain, highlighting some of the emotional testimony from that day’s sharing circles.  I won’t describe them all, but I thought I would include the paragraph that really jumped out at me:

“As many before her, however, she went on to tearfully apologize to her children for being a poor parent.  I was strict.  I didn’t know how to hug them.   After she got up to leave, her husband Rollie leaned into the mike.  She turned out to be a great grandmother he said.”


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