The inevitable Hardship of Integrity: Merits and Consequences

When the First Nations people started to be aware of the fact that the new settlers were to share with them the lands and everything on it, the aboriginal people were defensive at first  but  this stance changed as it was time to give space for wisdom. What helped also in hastening this process is the geopolitical upheaval in the number if settlers and their determination to exploit the land and make it livable and beneficial for many people. I am not saying that the aboriginal people were not productive. On the contrary they were more productive within their limited community. All these factors, along with the social, economic, political changes, led to the final integration of the aboriginal people in the new or modern community. The integration didn’t happen completely and it didn’t happen overnight. There are a lot of aspects in the society that will be affected or dealt with to achieve an effective integration. One of these aspects is the educational sector and how it needs to cater for the needs of those who are new to it.

The educational sector was and still is one of the fields that has to witness a lot of changes and modifications to pave the way towards a complete and integral system that deals learners whoever they are. This is not an easy task in the realm of education. There are a lot inconsistencies, rejections, and alienation in the process.

The project will also tackle the merits behind the attempts which help the aboriginal conceive the different and new educational sphere around them.

The resources I am planning tentatively to deal rely on are ( there will be some changes in the list):



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