My first post for this module is a blog posting I found on
A fact filled blog post regarding First Nations Education. Not just an Op Ed piece, the blog post includes statistical information on outcomes and fund. Also included are links to various educated related documents including an Assembly of First Nations 2012 report on Education.
A few interesting points in the blog are:
– 40 per cent of Aboriginal students aged 20-24 do not have a high school diploma compared to 13 per cent of non-Aboriginal people.
– 9 per cent of the Aboriginal population have a university degree compared to 26 per cent among non-Aboriginal students. 63 per cent of Aboriginal university graduates are women.
– The federal funding formula for on-reserve schools has been capped at 2 per cent growth per year since 1996 despite the need having increased by 6.3 per cent per year, creating at $1.5 billion shortfall between 1996-2008 for instructional services alone.
If you’re looking for information on First Nations Education, this blog post is a worthwhile read.