Module 4:2 – Digital Agenda for Europe

The Digital Agenda for Europe is a broad program that “aims to reboot Europe’s economy and help Europe’s citizens and businesses to get the most out of digital technologies” and “deliver sustainable economic growth.” Some of the stated future benefits of the Digital Agenda for Europe would be ”increasing investment in ICT, improving eSkills levels in the labour force, enabling public sector innovation, and reforming the framework conditions for the internet economy.” ICT investment? Skilled labour? Internet economy? It all sounds good for business. Who’s driving the agenda? “Public sector innovation”?…meaning what? Online service delivery?

One of the seven goals of the program is “enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion” –  addressing the digital divide. The website makes some dodgy claims, such as “Some 30% of Europeans have never used the internet. These people – mostly elderly, unemployed or on low incomes – lack the skills, confidence and means to use digital media and are thus unable to participate in today’s society.”  I’d expect that the 30% of Europeans who don’t use the Internet would be very surprised to find out they are unable to participate in today’s society.

I don’t mean to question the importance of addressing the digital divide, but this website was an eye opener for me.  Tech savvy citizens are good for business and help the government to save money. It’s a good reminder that when assessing initiatives to help indigenous people bridge the digital divide (this is not one of them), pay close attention to who benefits and why.

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