If you are searching for a novel to use during a unit on indigeneity and a way to introduce the topic of residential schooling, “Fatty Legs: A True Story” by Christy Jordan Fenton is a great choice.
Hook students’ interest in the novel they will read called Fatty Legs: A True Story by watching the following YouTube trailor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwwRuINStHA
After reading the text, the teacher can ask students to make connections and consider how they would feel if they were taken from their parents and sent to live at a residential school where they were unable to speak their native language.
Students can complete comprehension questions for each chapter at the link below: http://www.annickpress.com/content/lessonplans/Fatty%20Legs%20Lesson%20Plan-1.pdf
There is also an opportunity for students to participate in a Book Talk, using the guidance of this link: http://www.annickpress.com/content/Book-Talks/FattyLegs/