Tag Archives: Aboriginal language

Module 3 – Post 1 – Woven Together

Traditional knowledge has always had a strong oral and interpersonal component. As I work in the interactive field, I am always searching for good examples of knowledge that has been transcribed into a more interactive format. This online course on the basket creation traditions and language of the Pacific North West is an interesting attempt at bringing together traditional knowledge with online interaction:


This is a US based tool, funded by the Smithsonian. Its an interesting way to scratch the surface of some traditional knowledge and language.

Module 2.5. Finding Our Talk: A Journey into Indigenous Languages

Finding Our Talk is a documentary series consisting of 13 episodes that examine the states of  various Indigenous languages in Canada and worldwide. Finding Our Talk 3, which I chose to share, examines Canadian aboriginal languages, as well as Sami, Maya, Quechan, Maori, Arrente and Hawaiian languages. The episode addresses the role of new technologies endangered language revitalization.

The video  can be found on: http://vimeo.com/13656664