Tag Archives: AFN

Module 1 Post 2 – Firstnations.com

I found this site really helpful in keeping up to date with First Nations news across the country and globe – http://www.firstnations.com/rss/google-news.php. It provides newsfeeds of FN news from various news sources.

One of the stories I came across http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/harper-government-on-collision-course-with-first-nations-1.1862819 talks about the ongoing battle between the Assembly of First Nations, and the government of Canada in land disputes and education rights. With education, AFN are fighting for more legislative rights to control education for their own people, and in the wake of annual event in B.C held by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, they believe the abuse in residential schools would never have happened if “had FN been in control over their own education”. FN is still seeking a “fair and lasting” resolution to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools. Past traumas are still alive and active today, and have profound impact on FN fight for autonomy in their communities.