Tag Archives: authenticity

Module 4 – Post 3 – First Nations Education Steering Committee


The First Nation Steering Committee (FNESC) is a board of 100 First Nations community representatives working to improve education for First Nations students in BC. They are active in communicating the priorities of BC First Nations to the federal and provincial government and have accomplished things such as winning the legal recognition of their authority to be decision-makers in the education of their children, and created innovative curriculum including English First Peoples 10, 11, 12 which is now being used in classrooms across BC.

The site provides resources for all levels of the education system from K-12 to post-secondary.   Some that I could see being very useful are:

BC First People Learning Resources, Books for Use in K-7 classrooms.  For non-indigenous teachers, this reference guide is a great way of ensuring that what they are choosing are authentic First People texts.

I particularly like one of the resources that they provide on their site, which is a poster that can be posted in the classroom of the First Peoples’ Principles of Learning.  It is an excellent reminder that I plan to use in my classroom from here on out.
