Tag Archives: broadcasting

Module 2, Post #1: Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy

Looking to extend what we learned from this week’s readings, I stumbled upon the website for Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy. I was surprised, but encouraged to see that the Centre provides a wealth of insight about the following topics:

  • The common portrayals of indigenous people in media
  • Indigenous people in the news
  • The development of indigenous broadcasting in Canada
  • The impact of stereotyping on young people
  • Indigenous expression in the art and media
  • The importance of media education

The website walks its readers through a historical development of the indigenous identity, as portrayed through mainstream media and examines the impact of media’s portrayal. It also offers teaching resources for parents and teachers, including detailed lesson plans on topics such as “Bias in the News” or “Who’s Telling My Story.” I found this to be a very useful resource that will support my research paper, aimed at teaching teachers how to effectively educate their students about indigenous cultures in the world.

I would recommend that everyone view this site. It was both informative and practical: http://mediasmarts.ca/diversity-media/aboriginal-people/common-portrayals-aboriginal-people