Tag Archives: Cree literacy

Module 3: Post 5: Cree Literacy

I found this website linked from a previous post.  This website promotes Cree literacy,  it provides online resources as well as a blog that inspired the creator of http://apihtawikosisan.com/ to start her own blog.  The website has a blog that features songs, news or Indigenous issues to provide current and useful resources and information to its followers.  It also has links to reading, speaking and listening to the Cree language online.  It is useful for both adult and child language learning.  It also has a link to Cree radio broadcasting.

This website is dedicated to revitalizing language rather than just the preservation of language.  There is a lot of Cree media available, suggestions of how to integrate Cree back into families’ homes and a place for Cree people to connect.   This online community is able to express their concerns and advocates for more Indigenous Language Rights through integrating Cree language in education and creating multi-lingual traffic signs in local communities.
