Tag Archives: fonts

Module 2 – Post 3 – First Nations’ font downloads

In the interview of Dr. Lorna Williams that we watched in module 6, she spoke at length about language.  Both about the systematic attempt to wipe out First Nations languages through residential schools and the attempts to reteach those languages through programs within her community.  At one point she is speaking about creating these programs from scratch and identifies the challenge of what happens to a language when it becomes coded and static… when it shifts from an oral tradition to a literate one.  Certainly one of those challenges is the constraints that are put on by the roman alphabet of the keyboard.  A few of our readings have made reference to programs that you can download but I had yet to see one until I came across this site that allows you download fonts for a large number of First Nations in North America, including this page for the Haisla People how live near Kitamaat (they are among the First Nations who are standing against the Enbridge pipeline).