Hello from Ontario

My name is Sarka Kubelikova and I have been involved in education for 15 years. I am the Head of School Success and Staff Development. In this role I often introduce new technology to staff and I often question why we are promoting some technologies and not others.  I am hoping this course will help me analyze the reasoning behind some of these choices.

My primary passion is teaching physics, but I have taught a variety of other subjects and currently I am embracing on-line teaching and overcoming the challenges that come with it!   I spent my summer completing my first two MET courses, running a virtual at-risk-youth camp, while also  teaching an on-line physics course. 

 I have a drive for experimenting in every aspect of my life. My students are often warned that they are part of a large experiment. We always have a good laugh when something goes awry, which at some point it always does.  I believe that we need to question, test and analyze to be able to innovate and make improvements in society.  This course caught my attention before I even applied to UBC!  I am very excited to be here.

Moving society forward one step at a time.

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4 responses to “Hello from Ontario”

  1. Erica Hargreave

    Wow! Sounds like you had a busy summer, Sarka. I am curious to hear more about the virtual at-risk-youth camp – how it went, how you organized the day / program, what platform(s) you used for it, what activities you did, how many hours you spent with the kids each day, if anyone had any connectivity issues? I ask all these questions, having just run my own first virtual summer camp this summer, so I am curious to learn what other people did with theirs.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. adrian wheeler

    Hi Sarka,

    It sounds like you really keep yourself busy! I’m looking forward to learning with you in this course!

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  3. raafa abdulla

    Hi Sakura,
    What a wonderful summer! I also like physics but I only taught in when I was TA at UBC. If you want, I have some resources for nice physics labs for your advanced physics courses 🙂
    Looking forward to learn from you 🙂

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. tara davis

    Hi Sarka,
    That is so great you spent the summer completing my first two MET courses. I didn’t even know that was an option! Was that an option for students new to MET (I thought there was only a fall start). Perhaps you applied to the program before I did?

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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