Even though Direct Instruction has fallen out of favour, the pendulum is slowly swinging back, and it is starting to gain popularity as a way to disperse content to students (especially with our current global situation, requiring many educators to teach remotely). Imagine being able to present content to students through Direct Instruction while still being able to have the whole class engaged and actively participating in their learning!? Seems impossible, right?? Not with Pear Deck!
Pear Deck is a presentation tool featuring ready made ‘Deck’ Templates that can be added into any new or existing presentation. Various ‘Deck’ Templates are available from formative assessment questions, to check-ins & exit passes, to reflection & critical thinking prompts.
Now more than ever, there is an increasing demand for products that offer asynchronous learning capabilities. Pear Deck is perfect for online or hybrid learning situations, as teachers can choose from Teacher Paced (synchronous) or Student Paced (asynchronous) mode for any lesson.
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