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W04.1: Entrepreneur Bootcamp

W04.1: Entrepreneur Bootcamp

Entrepreneurs, IP and Emergence Now that you’ve taken your first steps as a venture analyst, we want you to lace up as a venture creator.   The territory is the same, but the skills and perspectives are remarkably different.  Let’s start with motivation. An “entrepreneur” is someone who undertakes to create or rebuild a venture, […]

W04.2: Venture Genesis

W04.2: Venture Genesis

Business Models A learning technology venture can adopt so many forms that categorizing them all is a daunting task. Within the scope of ETEC 522 there are companies, societies, foundations, institutions, associations, programs, and projects, to name a few. The remarkable thing is that the “business” concepts that we explore in this course generally apply […]

W04.3: Opportunity Activation

W04.3: Opportunity Activation

Once you decide to create a venture you might be surprised to discover how many individuals, resources and organizations are ready to help you do exactly that.  New ventures are recognized in most countries of the world as the best engine for economic growth, so lots of attention is directed to the cultivation of new […]

W04.4: The Right Stuff

W04.4: The Right Stuff

An Ultimate Learning Experience Every new venture is a humbling, scary, and intensely fulfilling learning experience.  It is an entirely learner-driven journey.  And, almost by definition, there are no textbooks available to guide your way. Educators know that the quality of any learning experience is enhanced by the quality of the people involved.   So the […]

W1: Emerging Markets Poll

W1: Emerging Markets Poll

Instructions Find the “Emerging Markets” category in the course menu. The listed posts are brief individual statements about currently emerging learning technologies. These have all been excerpted from very recent professional research reports which have predicted that these are the most important emerging technologies for educators to take notice of. We want to know if […]

W2: Opportunity Horizon

W2: Opportunity Horizon

Purpose Expert market predictions are a lot like fast foods – there’s an unaccountable appetite for them relative to their questionable nutritional value.   Given there’s no apparently healthy way to taste the future, are they better than nothing? Each of the reports in the Market Projections forum attempt to look at the future through a […]

W3: Pitch Critique

W3: Pitch Critique

Purpose Exploring real-world elevator pitches, and practicing EVA role-playing, in the 522 Pitch Pool. Discussion Your job here is to critically analyse elevator pitches based on the pitch criteria introduced in “Deconstructing a Pitch” section of the course materials. Nobody is suggesting that any of these pitches are good or great – you’ll need to figure that […]

W4: Founders Parade

W4: Founders Parade

Purpose Do you have what it takes to be a learning technologies entrepreneur?  The purpose of this activity is to get beyond speculation by walking in the shoes of a real entrepreneur. You will select a learning technologies venture and find out who its leader is, making sure they are also a founder of the […]

W13: Venture Forum

W13: Venture Forum

Post your Assignment #3 using the “Venture Forum” Category. Your post should contain the Elevator Pitch and Venture Pitch, or direct links to them, and must be posted by the end of Week 12. If you are unclear about the specific details of these pitches, please review the assignment description in the Assignments as well as the information about pitches in Stage […]

The “Old” ETEC522

The “Old” ETEC522

This site is a complete rebuild of ETEC522, with the original site having reached its operational limitations. As it has not been possible so far to transfer all of the years of content and presence of past ETEC522 students to this site, we offer the following link to the “OLD” site as a place where […]