Analyst Report: Codemao

Codemao was founded in 2015 as a platform for programming education for children ages 4 to 16. It successfully obtained Series D financing on February 7, 2021. As the leader of youth programming education in China, Codemao’s total funding amount is 360.4 million US dollars.

This is my EVA. If you have any questions, please let me know.

( Average Rating: 3 )

2 responses to “Analyst Report: Codemao”

  1. analesa crooks-eadie

    Hi Menghan,

    Thanks for sharing your EVA I have never heard about Codemao so thanks for sharing such a thorough analysis. One of my concerns is that teachers in schools would use which is free rather than pay for a similar product. also caters to K-12 and also makes cross-curricular connections. How would you convince a teacher that Codemao is a better choice?

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Menghan Guo

      Hello, Analesa. Thanks for you asked an excellent question. I looked through the non-profit organization you mentioned and discovered that its courses are comprehensive. However, it does not have a Chinese version. For the time being, I don’t believe it can compete with Codemao in the Chinese market. If it develops the Chinese version in the future, it may find it difficult to enter the Chinese market, which is now dominated by a plethora of programming. Furthermore, Codemao is currently available for free to some universities and schools.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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