Due to its clinical severity, the Coronavirus outbreak declared in January 2020 was an international public health emergency. The term “pandemic” refers to the geographic distribution of disease, reaching all continents, data from the World Health Organization. In the health area, in addition to exposing access problems and system equipment, the pandemic acted as a catalyst for the implementation of technology in health. For instance, Brazilian bills were fastened and approved to allow telemedicine. Never before have secure communication channels been needed and tested between patients and health professionals. In the meantime, I was looking for a secure, robust application that could bridge the gap between people and healthcare professionals. I found it!
The https://ti.care/ is a web platform tailored for desktop and mobile, agile, and following general data protection and privacy law. It has been designed to meet two objectives: on the one hand, to provide the necessary information to patients to enable them to manage their ailment or clinical condition correctly and take care of themselves, and on the other hand, to offer more excellent continuity in professional-patient communication to allow them to join their forces to improve health outcomes. Currently, the application has been used only for patients with chronic heart disease. Still, it has the potential for much more, such as prevention, awareness, monitoring of chronic treatments, and contact with health professionals, in addition to the telemedicine platform.
User screen example

The app features include a message box (which allows professionals to get in touch and respond, send test and survey results), appointment scheduling and recall, health professional data, forums (with content related to the patient’s needs), videos, chats, and teleconsultation. The design is attractive, intuitive, and easy to use. Consider the use of the elderly population as well. This entire structure increases the engagement and perception of the professional’s presence with the user, enhancing health measures and treatment adherence. Health institutions and professionals also benefit from the possibility of a targeted increase in patients of their interest and expertise, connecting people, anticipating diagnoses and interventions, and expanding health and equity.
In the Spanish market since 2019, ti.care has more than 500 registered health professionals and 3000 patients using the platform. Indeed, the initial challenges of installation, use, and connection have already been overcome. The challenge is now another, scalability of subjects, professionals, and users. In particular, ti.care is the foundation of my bridge to empowering people with health education, avoiding risk factors, anticipating diagnoses, increasing overall survival, and promoting equity. Most of the actions that modify mortality in Medicine (such as tobacco cessation) depend on behavioral changes and Education.