A3 Venture Pitch: MOACH

A3 Venture Pitch: MOACH

Welcome to MOACH, the mom coach. An onramping platform designed to help working mothers reenter the workforce. Please click the link below to view my website where you will my pitch deck and elevator pitch. MOACH: the Mom-Coach Looking forward to hearing your feedback. Jocelyn

Week 8- Assistive Technology for English Language Learners

“Hey Siri, what is assistive technology?” Whether it’s Siri, Alexa, Google or Cortana, how many of us have used a voice assistant to aid with our everyday queries? These are vital accessibility features that support people living with disabilities. “Assistive technology is an umbrella term covering the systems and services related to the delivery of […]

Analyst Report– Knowledgehook

Analyst Report– Knowledgehook

“I’m not a math person.” Many of us know of someone (or are someone) that falls into this category. Knowledgehook is an Instructional Guidance System (IGS) that applies insights and resources for educators to address gaps in math education. It engages students by using gamification elements for curriculum-aligned assessment and provides feedback to the teacher […]

Rohan Mahimker- CEO and CoFounder of Prodigy Education (Math & English)

Rohan Mahimker- CEO and CoFounder of Prodigy Education (Math & English)

*Note: This is an updated and add-on to the post by Johnny Wu on May 28, 2019 https://virtual.educ.ubc.ca/wp/etec522/2019/05/28/roham-mahimker-ceo-and-co-founder-of-prodigymath-games/ Mission: To help every student in the world love learning.  Prodigy Math is an online learning adventure that uses game-based learning to motivate students to practice their math skills which are aligned with the curriculum. The games […]

Big Bang Lab

Big Bang Lab

What are two actions that children naturally engage in? If you think, ask questions and play, then you are correct! With this in mind, the co-founders of Big Bang Academy, Nixon Chan and Sara Tong, developed an educational app called Big Bang Lab that seeks to ‘revolutionize’ self-directed learning in STEAM. Through a storytelling format […]

Jocelyn’s Intro

Jocelyn’s Intro

Hello All, I’m new here to this blogging format (though I dabbled a bit with my own personal UBC blog in ETEC 540 last term) so bear with me as I navigate these uncharted waters. I am currently on maternity leave with my 5 month old and also have a full blown toddler who is […]