A3 Venture Pitch – Guidance4U
Navigating the pathway to post-secondary education can be confusing and daunting for high school students and their families. Many students do not have access to individualized guidance as they consider their future. So what if there was a comprehensive guidance counselling digital site that offered various tiers of support, from open-source to individualized and personalized? […]
Week 11 – Data Visualization
Hello there! We are Nathalie, Steve, and David, and it is our pleasure to provide this Opportunity Forecast on Data Visualization. When you think of Data Visualization, graphs, charts, and scatter plots are some of the first things that likely come to mind. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the progression of Data […]
A1 Analyst Report – Eduaide.Ai
Hello, fellow ETEC 522 students. I’ve developed an interest in generative AI in light of how many teachers are asking questions about tools to assist in planning. Please view my Analyst Report of Eduaide.Ai HERE!
Higher Education Technologies – Alec Whitters
HIGHER LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES HLT provides an array of study tools accessible via smartphones and provides learners with the opportunity to learn on the go. Whether somebody is preparing for the MCAT, DAT, university admissions, or even real estate, HLT offers products that will serve students much better than hauling around flashcards. The content and practice […]
Hello From Steve!
Hi everyone, I’m happy to meet you in this course. I am working on courses 7 & 8 this semester. I am an administrator, and this year I teach English First Peoples 11 and AP World History, but since 2005 I’ve taught many of the available humanities classes in grades 6-12. I teach in Kelowna, […]