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A3: Venture Pitch | Talk A-Bout

Hello all! My venture pitch is a website that helps teachers/trainers create and manage group activities during video-meetings. Elevator Pitch Full Venture Pitch Website

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Week 10: Adaptive Learning Technology

WEEK 10: Adaptive Learning Technology Welcome to week 10.  This week we’ve prepared a learning experience about adaptive learning technologies. There’s even a short (optional) lesson built in the adaptive learning platform Cerego for you to try-out if you want. We think it’s pretty neat and you’ll need to send us your email as early […]

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Analyst Report: Yuja – Sally B

Welcome to my Educational Venture Analyst (EVA) report on Yuja. I’ve created a single webpage to hold my video presentation, transcript + references and a brief written reflection. I chose this venture because I’ve always thought Yuja looked like an interesting product and this was a perfect opportunity to learn more about it. Visit the […]

Co-Founder/CEO of OpenSesame: Don Spear

Co-Founder/CEO of OpenSesame: Don Spear

Don Spear: CEO & Co-founder Venture name: Open Sesame Description of the Venture: Open Sesame provides an online marketplace for buying and selling SCORM e-learning courses. The company was founded in 2011 on the idea of aggregating e-learning content from respected publishers and resources, and being able to embed/share that content in a learning management […]

Sally – Ready to ‘get back at it’

Sally – Ready to ‘get back at it’

Hello! Sally here. 🙂 This is my 8th course in the MET program, after (approximately) a 1 year hiatus. I’ve worked in the EdTech space, supporting instructors who teach online for the past 7.5 years, getting my start at Yukon College, and currently finding myself at Nova Scotia Community College. I stumbled into this niche […]