A1 – Microlearning and EdApp

By Sally on February 8, 2019

I came across the EdApp when I was reviewing resource under mobile technology in week 2 of the course. I got curious about this app that allows us to deliver learning on the mobile.

As I searched more for a mobile LMS, the concept of “microlearning” kept coming up. This is how I got interested in the topic of microlearning and looking into EdApp (a mobile LMS) for this assignment.

I’ve created a google site for this review, with the aim that the site itself can be a stand-alone OER: Microlearning and EdApp review

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One response to “A1 – Microlearning and EdApp”

  1. adrian granchelli

    comment by j christopher stanger on February 10, 2019

    Sally, This is a really useful examination of Microlearning generally and EdApp particularly. It is so exciting to learn about how micro learning strategies, using mobile technologies can support learning in a way that both targets learning and focuses on engaging learners of all ages in this digital age. C

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