By Sally on March 18, 2019
There are many great reasons for the LMS to support a course design like this one, ETC 523. Currently none of them do. Maybe it is because not many people teach this way, so there’s no demand? But I feel that this could be a vicious cycle, as there are no tools to support this way of teaching, so few people teach this way as it’s too hard otherwise.
As such, I have proposed some changes to our current LMS, Canvas, in the effort of making it work for our course. I’ve highlighted some theoretical framework and detailed features on a website. So you can work through the future cast at your own pace.
Feel free to add your ideas for more feature changes in Canvas, or share how you would use such a tool if it is available, in the comments area.
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One of the advantages of mobile learning is the collaborative nature of the medium, and Sally’s proposal that LMS like Canvas should have co-authoring features is a fantastic idea and follows good pedagogy and best practices. Students should be able to demonstrate their expertise, create content, and take a leading role in the LMS beyond discussion/discussion board participation. Sally mentions the open course structure of ETEC523 in WordPress as an inspiration for her proposal and provides the theoretical framework and missing features that would allow students to be more active participants in Canvas. This is all useful for us to consider as we improve the functionalities of LMS, open courses, and OERs to highlight student voices and expertise.