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By christopher clarke on January 19, 2019 Mobile education is excellent at embracing accessibility and global connectedness. Part of accessibility is providing experiences that fit into those short sections of free time we all hopefully get throughout the day. Between busy days and short attention spans, it’s important to compress content into easy to access, […]

A3: WeChat Mini Programs: The Future of Effective, Context-Mediated Mobile Education?

Originally posted by Meghan Gallant on November 24, 2017 Motivation and Process As an educator living and working in a country where it is odd to see someone not looking at their phone, and where a phone with WeChat can allow one to accomplish an entire day’s worth of activities–from buying breakfast to doing some late-night online […]

r/futurology and r/darkfuturology

Originally posted by christopher wong on January 12, 2019 In the book Utopia is Creepy (podcast regarding book found here), Nicholas Carr writes about the how our hopes for technology have often not met our expectations.  TV shows (Black mirror), books (someone is a previous post mentioned Dave Eggers’ The Circle) and popular media (articles on Wired) have […]

A1 Assignment: The Gig Economy

A1 Assignment: The Gig Economy

Originally posted by christopher wong on February 9, 2019 For my A1 assignment, I chose to focus on the Gig Economy.  I have made a website and podcast which can be found here: The website works well on mobile devices and a podcast covering the same material can be accessed from the first page for those […]

The Culture of Minecraft

The Culture of Minecraft

Minecraft…the adventure is up to you There is no denying the Minecraft boom in children’s mobile culture. In four years, this simple game has grown immensely in popularity and is now owned by software giant Microsoft, purchased for $2.5 billion. With millions of copies sold, it seems Microsoft is on the same page as thousands of […]

Mobile Bible

Mobile Bible

By Tracey Stevens on June 1, 2018 Not a religious person (more spiritual), I wanted to understand how mobile technologies are impacting culture in the way of religion and teaching religion and fell upon : This is a mobile version of the Bible but all main religions have similar apps. This app can change the way people […]

Positive Trends: Mobile Apps for Mental Health

Positive Trends: Mobile Apps for Mental Health

Originally by Henna Patel on June 3, 2018 We are amid an era where infinite data points are captured on our online behaviours. From biometrics, shopping patterns and search preferences to friendships, political affiliations and media consumption (to name just a few) — arguably our online behaviours often lead the charge on our real world actions.  So […]

Diaspora: Alternative Social Media

Diaspora: Alternative Social Media

Original post by matthew turner on January 17, 2019 With all the discussion about the possible educational use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., I thought I would add one that is not monetized. I recently read a book called Social Media: A Critical Introduction by Christian Fuchs (the author’s blog, with details about the book […]

A1 – Playful Programming: Learn-to-Code Culture Grows Up?

By jan lewis on February 10, 2019 Here is my Assignment#1 post. I created it using Microsoft Sway with several audio and visual components. In the editing phase of this post I was able to embed it below and it appeared but it seems like wp is erasing the iframe when I hit publish. So below is […]

An Analysis of Digital Citizenship

Originally posted by Victoria Ramsey on February 3, 2019 Digital Citizenship analysis In deciding on what focus to take for Assignment 1, I thought it would be fascinating and also extremely relevant to explore the subject of digital citizenship (DC). Given that the MET program is a technology-based program, I have come across little discussion on […]