Teaching a Cyborg

Original post by shauna on July 25, 2018

I had a few ideas swimming around in my head for assignment 3. One of the ideas was trying to envision a future where all students have embedded technology. It seems hard to believe, but this article in the Atlantic, The Futile Resistance Against Classroom Tech got me thinking.  How can you tell a student to dis-engage from technology when it is inside them? There are often debates at my college about taking away, or limiting the use of technology as it can be a distraction in the classroom. I would love to send this article to see how the discussion develops. What are your thoughts? Do you believe this is the future? Will we all be walking around with Neural Lace attached to our brain?

Link to my storyboard

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One response to “Teaching a Cyborg”

  1. jordon lovig

    It’s always tricky trying to predict the future. Embedded technology has been a hot topic for many years now. With mobile technology getting smaller and more powerful seemingly by the day, many think it’s only a matter of time before we begin to choose to have this technology built into our very bodies. I’m not entirely sure what that will look like, but I do think that the advantages of embedded tech will be far to much for most to resist. Our world is simply too competitive to give up any possible advantage. As more and more people choose to embed tech in their bodies, those who don’t will quickly find themselves left behind. Work, school, even personal relationships. If you can get a leg up on others by embedding tech, I think most people will choose to do it.

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