Smart Senors
By benson chang on January 28, 2019 In many ways, we the users of mobile phones have wasted the potential of the smartphones that have become more important to us than any other possession. Many people spend hundreds of dollars on their phones to use it for nothing more than a few basic apps, messaging, YouTube videos, […]
A1 – Emotions and Mobile Learning
By ryan.edtech on October 13, 2019 I decided to create a micro-learning experience to quickly walk you through my findings on the role and future of emotions/affective processing in mobile learning as this is something I’ve become very interested in the last few weeks. Hopefully you find it interesting! My goal was to create something concise that would be easy […]
Zipgrade is an app made by the husband of a teacher. This is a quality of life upgrade for many teachers! When surveying your class or conducting multiple choice quizzes, this app makes it easy to print your own bubble sheets and scan it with your mobile device! While multiple choice quizzes aren’t great for […]
Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada
Originally by dustin hyde on June 28, 2018 Hey everyone, in the midst of all the A1 projects and group OERs I thought I would create a quick post that I feel is worthwhile. The Canadian Geographic is currently working on a massive digital project in partnership with the Assembly of First Nations to create a digital […]
A1- Naver Papago
Originally posted by YoonJu Na Oct 2019 For my A1 assignment, I decide to analyze mobile Translator “Naver-Papage” I have never used this mobile application in the past but through this assignment, I was able to explore the application. Please click below to see my website.
Three Trends That Will Influence Learning and Teaching in 2015
Original post by Benjamin Ferrel on January 30, 2015 Three trends that will influence learning and teaching in 2015 (article here: is an interesting analysis of the driving forces moving the evolution of teaching and learning at this point history. Although the thought of collapsing the things influencing the field of education into three trends may seem somewhat […]
AR in Google Search
Google has been working on adding augmented reality to search. Last month, Google’s new searchable AR extras include anatomical models and microscopic structures, plus some objects from its Google Arts and Culture collection (Stein, 2020). Stein also points out that these new AR features are definitely education-focused. The biological 3D models, such as a skeleton, […]
BrainPOP is an educational application with over a thousand short animated movies for K-12 students, together with quizzes and learning activities, covering the following subject areas: Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Math, Engineering and Technology, Health, and Arts and Music. During our time in remote learning, I’ve been using BrainPOP Jr. instructional videos in Language […]
Does Behaviourism Theory Mesh with Mobile Learning?
Author Unknown, Originally published on September 25, 2013 Originating with Skinner, Behaviourist theory proposes the analysis of observable and measureable behaviour (Standridge, 2002). If a stimulus is repeated often enough, Behaviourism argues that the subject can learn a corresponding response whenever the stimulus is experienced. As an example, think of the mobile phone. Jordan, et […]
Storybooks Canada – The languages of Canada
Original post by christopher clarke on January 9, 2019 Storybooks Canada is a free educational resource designed through the UBC Faculty of Education. Check it out here: Its goal is to promote literacy and language development in homes, schools, and communities through storytelling. The resource has been created based on sound research and focuses not just on […]