For Assignment One I pretended to have a podcast about mobile gaming apps in education. I do not have a podcast about mobile gaming apps in education. Or about anything for that matter. Cheers!!
Buchanan, L. (2018, December 18). The Hottest Education Startup in the U.S. Is a $700 Million Company Built by a Guatemalan Engineer in Pittsburgh. Retrieved June 19, 2020, from https://www.inc.com/leigh-buchanan/duolingo-700-million-language-learning-startup-pittsburgh-2018-surge-cities.html
Cable, K. (2015, March 09). It’s a free app loved by millions. Is Duolingo wasting your time? by Fluent Language. Retrieved June 19, 2020, from https://www.fluentlanguage.co.uk/blog/duolingo-review-fluentlanguage
Grego, J., & Vesselinov, R. (2012, December). Duolingo Effectiveness Study. University of South Carolina. http://static.duolingo.com/s3/DuolingoReport_Final.pdf
Pearl, M. (2017, January 12). Are Duolingo Users Actually Learning Anything Useful? Retrieved June 20, 2020, from https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/ezxyyz/are-duolingo-users-actually-learning-anything-useful
Ravenscraft, E. (2019, May 4). 500 Days of Duolingo: What You Can (and Canβt) Learn From a Language App. New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/04/smarter-living/500-days-of-duolingo-what-you-can-and-cant-learn-from-a-language-app.html
Hi Tyler,
I loved listening to your podcast. Whenever I had a question, you would immediately answer it. I like how you took a strong opinion on these apps and was very direct about what you think it can offer with evidence to support it. Your podcast makes me feel less bad about not doing my daily duolingo recently π
Thanks so much, Katlyn! No one’s ever accused me of being un-opinionated. As was referenced in the podcast, Duolingo et al. can be part of a bigger plan, but not a lot else – so keep doing your dailies. Just also join a meetup group or something. π
Tyler, I love the podcast. Very authentic, honest and very informative. This is the type of review any user needs – from an informed practitioner. Pump the breaks on expectations.
Well done, barvo, muito bem, εεΎε₯½, bien hecho, bravo, gut gemacht, γγγ§γγΎγγ! (courtesy of Word Hippo)
All those languages I feel like you’re making a dig at my thesis statement! π
It was a smart move to do a podcast instead of a video. It’s quite refreshing in this sea of videos. I agree that language apps won’t get you to the native-like fluency that they claim but nonetheless, they can be great tools to get started and build vocabulary.
For sure! As I said in the podcast, engagement is always good. So anything you’re doing to work inside of the target language is great. These apps just need to be a part of a full plan, not stand alone measures.
It makes me think of the ab sculpting products advertised on TV all the time in the 90s. They’d help you to “get abs” if and only if you also did cardio training and ate healthy. Alone they’ll do precisely nothing of worth.
Hi Tyler,
I enjoyed your podcast – the name, the interview format, as well as the language experience and personal examples you bring into it. I like learning languages, and I find German fascinating so I have considered trying it out – just never had the time. It’s good to have a real world perspective to go on. I want to hear next week’s episode though!! π
Unfortunately there won’t be a next week’s episode. My friend who played the part of the host came up with physical education just because it has the same suffix. But I’m sure you’d already realized that.