A1- Micro Learning and Mobile Assessments

Hi everyone. For my A1, I put together a WIX page on the topic of Micro Learning and Mobile Assessments. I think this is a feature of mobile learning that we will see grow quite a bit in the future, particularly now that folks are working and learning from home more than ever. I’d love to hear what you think, feel free to leave any feedback in the comments!


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5 responses to “A1- Micro Learning and Mobile Assessments”

  1. JamieTooze

    Hi Jordon,

    Great job on this topic. Like Kat, I have also become a super user of micro learning due to its convenience and efficiency. Before COVID I found sites like Ted-Ed and Linkedin Learning wonderful ways to use time wisely ( My grade 1 teacher would be proud). One think I noticed is increasingly corporations are using their own assets to produce micro learning courses for their employees. One example I have seen in the business world is Genie (https://www.growthengineering.co.uk/genie-content-authoring-tool/) – a mobile game based learning platform that companies can use to train employees on key procedural and policy matters but the cost of licensing is outrageous ($2000+) From your findings do you get a sense that the casual users will use this type of service?

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  2. Pascaline Natchedy

    Interesting website! I enjoyed reading and learning about Micro learning. It is quite fascinating what our brains can do. Neuroscience is going to play a much bigger role in education in the future and there’s so much still to be discovered. I believe that mobile technologies will be a catalyst to implementing and bringing new neuroscience discoveries and tactics related to learning to the average student.

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  3. Pei

    Hi Jordan,

    I appreciate the link you brought up between mobile technology and micro-learning. The bite size learning mentality is also great to encourage learners who might be anxious about learning to take the first step. The task often seems less intimidating when it’s broken down to smaller tasks and the daily push, like you mentioned used in Duolingo, would serve as a gentle reminder instead. Combining micro-learning and gamification in mobile technology is picking up by more and more students and having that sense of motivation to learn really is the first thing when it comes to learning.

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  4. Kat

    Hi Jordan,

    Great website on Micro learning! i really enjoyed the science and statistics behind the percentage of learning! Wow!
    I feel that I am huge user of micro learning apps and tools. I suppose I have been without even really knowing it as you have described what micro learning is. I think it is a great way to multi-task and keep our brains going in “small” doses of information. In terms of retention, maybe it is just MY memory, but if I don’t apply what I have learned, as you said, it just gets lost. It is almost as though, I learn something new and for the moment it’s a revelation and then I will forget it by the end of the day or maybe even after a few hours. For example, learning new words each day and being sent new vocabulary. I try really hard to use the word that I have learned that same day….but by the time my day gets going, I will already have forgotten the word!! It’s terrible. It could be just MY memory. I wonder then if designers of these micro learning tools, could extend people’s thinking to help them remember and retain the information? Perhaps, vocabulary words with photos and/or paired with a sentence in a funny joke? What do you think?

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    1. jordon lovig

      Hi Kat-

      Thanks for the feedback, I think you raise a really interesting point about where this technology could be heading. I’m the same way as you- I have difficulty retaining knowledge unless there’s some sort of context to it. Particularly when it comes to language. I can read words and definitions all day long, practice my pronunciation, etc, but it’s not unless I’m using the language in a conversation that the rules really begin to stick.

      The cool thing about micro learning is it’s a pretty blank slate- it can be combined with other mobile tech and can be applied to pretty much any approach to learning so I think there’s a lot of room for the type of stuff you’re talking about- designers have pretty much limitless options!

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