A3 – SilverHoloX30 – The phone for learning
SilverHoloX30 is changing the way students learn by providing experiential learning opportunities at their fingertips. SilverHoloX30 provides students with the possibility to use holographic AR using their phones wherever they are. Learn more.
A3 – Pick.Me: A Study Buddy Match Making Program for Online Learning
For my A3, I wanted to look at a way to foster connections and relationships in online courses. Participating in an online course can make learners feel isolated, anxious, and even frustrated at times. Sometimes asking simple questions can seem difficult as the only options available are to email your instructor or post your question […]
Hello wonderful people, This was a fun one for me! I focused on an aspect of my work (exam planning / building / supporting), and drilled down into why I find it so meaningful — being able to create positive experiences for students. To capture some of my ideas, I wrote a post on Medium. […]
A3 – The Adaptive Learning Coach
I’m fascinated by the space where the digital portfolio, digital personal assistant and adaptive learning meet. If you watch any of the Iron Man movies and listen to Tony Stark’s artificially intelligent assistant Jarvis, you can clearly see the potential for an assistant that you can speak to naturally, can synthesize and prioritize massive amounts […]
A3-Brain/Cloud Interface
Hello, For our A3 project, Melissa and I investigated the Brain/Cloud Interface(B/CI) and its applications. We forecast that within the next two or three decades, scientists will find a way to merge the human mind and the cloud through neuralnanorobots. In our OER, we discuss its possible applications while also explore the risks and concerns […]
A3- The Data Safety Initiative
It was during the course of ETEC523 that I became increasingly aware of the growing number of data privacy issues surrounding the use of mobile apps. and it is for that reason, that I propose the formation of the Data Safety Initiative. The DSI will act as an open collaborative non-profit organization that aims to […]
A3 – The future landscape of mLearning
Since this in an OER itself, I decided I wanted to look at the major trends, opportunities, and influences that will likely shape the future of mobile learning in the next 10 years. A literature review of sorts, that we can easily refer to in order to establish what the future of mLearning will look […]
A3 – FirstYearU: Mobile Calendar App + Well-being
As students, your time and mental health are valuable. What if you had a calendar that could help protect and balance both? For my A3, I created a prototype for a mobile calendar app called FirstYearU, targeting students in their first year of post-secondary studies. The project deliverables include a mobile website pitch and an […]
A3 Voice-Activated Collaboration Tool (VACT)
Hello Hello! My future cast is inspired from some of the conversations that came out of my A2 on podcasts. I began thinking about how listening to podcasts, lectures or any type of audio material typically happens in silo. I wanted to consider ways that peer-to-peer interaction could be blended into the experience. I came […]
3D Holograms: a prospective future aspect in education?
We live in a 3 Dimensional world, so it would make sense to relate to objects and things in 3D. What if the young minds of the future, our students, could learn in our classrooms using 3 Dimensional holograms? For my A3, I have created 3 short videos: Part 1- Taking 3D holograms mobile: […]