Increasing Global Discourse with Social Audio and Live Studio Audience Podcasting Apps
One of the interesting forms of mobile learning that I’ve observed rising and engaged with throughout the pandemic has been social audio. Now while some think that this first arrived during the pandemic with Clubhouse, it did not, rather it just garnered new attention during the pandemic, as people searched for new ways to engage, interact, and dare I say it, have a social life.
Google lens, is it the new way to see the world?
I am very interested in Google lens which has been around for several years but I think has been one of the fundamental tools that many people used during the crisis in learning when many families couldn’t access teachers, schools, doctors and other community supports. It offers endless possibilities for uses in both schools and […]
AttentiveLearner: Machine Intelligence/Body Feedback
I choose this video from the Pittsburgh ML Summit 2019 in which Jing Tao Wang, a researcher at Google, describes some of the projects he’s developing. One that intrigued me was AttentiveLearner. I was fascinated by this because it combines several Frontier themes I was interested in: AI, MOOCS, and transhumanity, . AttentiveLearner is designed […]
LOG OFF: rethinking social media
In keeping with my own ethical dilemma of the pros and cons of mobile technology, I found myself mining tools that help users navigate technology with greater understanding. Inspired by the post, Humane Technolgy, by Carla Pretorius [do yourself a favour and check it out], I came across LOG OFF, “a movement dedicated to rethinking […]
Telehealth in the Palm of our Hands
The readiness and affordances of telehealth have been an asset during the current global pandemic. Various apps are emerging that allow you to choose the preferred specialist, doctor, and appointment time from your phone screen. As a family that has been without a doctor for almost two years, it is a sigh of relief that […]
Mind Mapping – First step before mind palaces?
In reflecting on tech that changes the landscape of learning, I came across a post from one of our fellow students commiserating that we do not yet have the ability to create a ‘Sherlock’ style Mind Palace, where one can go in a virtual space and organize and categorize ones ideas. The credit goes to […]
WHOOP: The Future of Wearable Fitness Tech for Athletes
Mobile technology has been reshaping the fitness industry for some time now. The most popular fitness technology used today varies from apps and wearable tech to digital fitness platforms and equipment – all providing a convenience factor that is undeniable. Whether you wear an Apple Watch and track mileage for a run or have used […]