Mobile Culture and Radicalization
Thinking about how online communication and culture has changed, I remember seeing a family member comment on a politician’s photo on Facebook. It was meant to be a form of direct communication, but what my family member didn’t comprehend was the fact that it was really a message to everyone on their timeline. This family […]
Bird Call Field Guide
Along the same vein, as the apps Seek and iNaturalist, that have been previously reviewed, is the app Merlin bird ID app by Cornell University. This is an app that is uses bird calls to help identify the exact species. When I first heard of this it reminded me of the field guides I use […]
Rise of the Remote Workforce
Mobile devices and technology have enabled many of us to work through a pandemic. During this time, many of us moved from our offices/classrooms to our kitchen tables, spare bedrooms, or if we were lucky, home offices. But what will happen next? By the end of 2024, the International Data Corporation (IDC) expects mobile workers […]
Persuasive Technology and Positive Influence
Ever since the emergence of mobile apps, there has been a huge debate over the implications of using persuasive technology in designing mobile software. Persuasive technology refers to the features used to influence the behaviour of users, often in a subtle unnoticed manner. If you catch yourself mindlessly scrolling videos on Facebook or Tiktok for […]
Cyberhate: the impact of online anonymity
Anonymous user profiles on social media websites are so prevalent nowadays that we barely even notice them anymore. The question that is worth looking into is, how does user anonymity impact behavior in virtual environments? Does existence of anonymity increase users’ ability to freely express themselves? Does it pave the path for formation of a […]
#paid: How influencers monetize IG
If you are active on Instagram, odds are that you follow (or at least have come across) an account of an “Influencer”: a term Urban Dictionary defines as “a word instagram users use to describe themselves to make them feel famous and more important when no one really know who they are or care, usually […]
What is your infection prevention IQ?
The 3rd week of October is International Infection Prevention and Control week and celebrated within healthcare facilities around the globe to bring attention to infection prevention. With the discussion around misinformation, I thought I would share an online infection prevention training course I had developed with my team at the company I have since left. […]