5 responses to “Assignment #1 Bite-sized Learning”

  1. danya sprott

    Hi Vera, bite-sized learning is something that calls out to me. There are some topics I really love digging into, but, in general, I love getting little chunks of information about things. I love following certain channels on Instagram or YouTube because I know I can get an interesting, quick overview of a subject matter. As an educator, although I do think that sometimes its valuable to spend more time on things, I do see the value in short bite-sized learning periods over the day – especially with my younger students.

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  2. rika vuong-lam

    Hi Vera:
    I must admit, I’m a bite sized learner. Every week for my two courses, I spend a 30 mins 4-5 times a day reading the content or participating in discussion. This is due to my personal attention but also, my lifestyle (having 30 min breaks twice a day and having children to suddenly need you). So when content takes more than 30 mins to get through, sometimes I find myself having to repeat much of the reading I already completed.
    Alike Agnes, I have experience in my workplace once a month where we spend 20 mins investigating new theories or major directives from the Ministry, such as White Privilege or Anti-black racism pedagogy, anti-oppressive and culturally responsive pedagogy etc. i find this helpful as we have the seed planted in our heads in regards to the new directives and have time to reflect before coming back in a few weeks. It really decreases the overload that we already experience in today’s net generation and allows more reflection (I feel).

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    1. zheng xiong

      Hi Rika, I admire your commitment to learning. Bite-sized learning could be many working professionals’ preferred way of learning, due to the fact they have very limited time and energy to learn. Like the way you said, work commitments keep your mind busy and occupied. What kind of learning platforms have you been using that you find helpful? Have you used LinkedIn Learning or MasterClass?

      I like bite-sized learning because often times the bite-sized learning platforms are mobile-friendly, I can quickly pull up my phone for a quick 5-10 mins lesson in fragmented times. Although the lesson wouldn’t be too deep or captured the entire scope of the learning subject. Also because of that, content is strategically broken down into bite-sized portions that can be easily digested. To ensure the learning outcomes, I’d suggest revisiting and reviewing bite-sized learning content, and creating your own mind maps that help you to see the bigger picture from these bite-sized portions. Besides, reviewing content can certainly strengthen your memory with content, plus it wouldn’t be too time-consuming as it’s just bite-sized content.

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  3. Agnes

    Great presentation! I like that you presented your resource in a bite-sized learning format, by creating a video. This is such a relevant topic, and exactly how many companies are trying to educate their employees. One of the organizations I am part of has decided to send out monthly bite-size learning videos so we can be more involved and understand different aspects of the organization. That is so brilliant, otherwise, you rely on veterans in the organization to inform you on what you need to know, or other forms of research.

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    1. zheng xiong

      Thank you Agnes for your words of encouragement. I’m pleased to hear that you find this topic relatable to your professional contexts. How was your experience with bite-sized learning? And what kind of changes or improvement would you like to see in bite-sized learning? Personally, I feel like bite-sized content is readily avaiable through multiple forms, like social media digestible video tutorials. Not suprisingly, viewers may find it’s distracting with so many bite-sized content available in the online community. It might actually be overwhelming for them. Hence, it might be more effective to learn through bite-size learning platforms that have strategically created to achieve a set of clear learning objects. Social media content are great, but learners need to be selective with what they learn. A couple of recommendation for realiable and strategic bite-sized learning platforms are Headspace https://www.netflix.com/ca/title/81280926 and Duolingo https://elmlearning.com/blog/now-youre-speaking-language-duolingo-teaches-us-microlearning/

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