One response to “A1: Blooket”

  1. Daniel Edwards

    Hello Michelle and Amy,
    I saw your Blooket presentation and was very interested in it. You were very informative, and I felt everything was covered well. I like the information on the design strengths and weaknesses, with a clear description and examples of each point.

    I also agree with your design recommendations. In allowing a teaming/grouping feature, one game in Blooket (I believe it is called Blook Rush) is entirely team/group based, but the other games don’t have teaming/grouping. From your experience with Blooket or other applications like it, has to give a group one tablet/mobile device to share work for the teaming or grouping, or have there been difficulties with managing who gets a turn or whose job certain aspects of the group are?

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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