2 responses to “Classroom Library Organizer”

  1. Sam Paterson

    Very interesting! I like the fact that it is mobile-friendly, which has become a must-have feature for me when considering anything I do in class. It seems to be fairly user-friendly, and versatile enough for a bit of customization.

    Another use that jumped out to me was to satisfy some of the needs of our school book club. We have 30+ enthusiastic 11 and 12 year olds, who are extremely engaged readers. More than anything else, they LOVE to share their interests. This could be a particular book or series they love, an author they want to share with others, or a book they are looking forward to reading. Also, they are obsessed with my collection which includes a lot of titles that are a bit more arcane than the titles they are used to finding in Chapters or our school library. My books are not cataloged, nor do I have the desire to catalog all of them. What I imagine is putting this app in the hands of the students, and allowing them to build a catalog of books for our book club. This catalog wouldn’t have to exist in one physical space; it could be a catalog of available books that they can access when they wish, and use as a means of knowing who has a book, where it is located, etc.

    Just a thought, thanks for sharing this tool!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Bianca Therese Joson

    Hi Sarah!

    Thanks for sharing this app. It’s a very neat tool for people who have lots of physical books. You can have your own catalogue right in the palm of your hands. This is also great if a person needs to research about a particular subject and they need to rummage through their collection. This is a faster way of looking. Not all people have e-books so I guess this is also great if they’re second guessing if they have a particular book in their collection.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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