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A3: Privacy in a Mobile World

A3: Privacy in a Mobile World

One of the underlying concerns as mobile connectivity increases is the extent to which privacy of personal data will remain desirable or even possible. I decided to dig out my crystal ball and predict three possible futures for privacy in a mobile world:

AR Hide and Seek

AR Hide and Seek

I came across an article about the Cat & Mouse Game that is becoming very popular in China, and is a nice example of mobile augmented reality. Sounds like fun!

Week 12 Movable Feast – Smart Communities

Hi everyone! Sinsi, Mariya and I have created website on smart communities. Please take a look at it and feel free to take part in the discussion in the comments below. Thank you for taking the time to take a look Discussion Questions

Week 10 Moveable Feast: 5G and Drone Technology

Hello! Sebastian, Debbie, and I have created a website discussing 5G technology and drones. Please peruse our website and once you’re finished, come back here and participate in our discussion to let us know of your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to look at our website! Discussion Prompts -What is your experience with […]