Physical Impacts of Mobile Devices

For my A1 Analysis, I explore the physical impacts of mobile devices.

I explore symptoms associated with the use of mobile devices, analyze the relationship to education and learning, and provide strategies for prevention and mitigation. 

Explore my project here:

There are a few prompts throughout the site to encourage reflection, including these two discussion questions. Please feel free to come back to this blog and share your response(s) to these questions.

  1. Would you allow an AI-system to monitor you, if it meant using your mobile devices in a more ergonomic way? Why or why not?
  2. Would you replace your mobile devices with wearables, if they could provide the same functionalities? Why or why not? 

Let me know if you have any comments, feedback, or questions!

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2 responses to “Physical Impacts of Mobile Devices”

  1. Rich

    Hi Shannon,
    This is a super relevant and fun OER to read. I really like that you included suggested solutions.
    My answers to your questions:

    Would you allow an AI-system to monitor you, if it meant using your mobile devices in a more ergonomic way? Why or why not?
    Yes, as long as it was something I could disengage with whenever I chose to. I think it is a fantastic idea.

    Would you replace your mobile devices with wearables, if they could provide the same functionalities? Why or why not?
    Absolutely. As amazing as our phones and laptops are, they are not great ergonomically. I am looking forward to a product that changes that. I think the closest thing I have seen to potentially providing that recently is Meta’s new glasses although admittedly I have not been an early adopter.

    Thanks for your OER, really liked it.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Shannon Wong

      Hi Rich,

      Thanks so much for your feedback!

      Yes, good point around AI-system monitoring and the importance of being able to choose when to engage / disengage. For me, it would also be important to have some visual cue when it is or isn’t monitoring you (like how webcams or microphones often have a light, giving some visual cue that it is on). It would also be imperative to understand the company’s policies around recording and/or storage of video footage.

      Similar to you, I haven’t been an early adopter of any wearables. I now have an Apple Watch and AirPods but I got them well into the majority phase. A lot has to do with price for me – I personally want to know exactly what I am paying for…so I will generally wait for review videos to come out so I can make a more informed decision. I would gladly use mobile devices that cause less physical discomfort or pain though – although then I wonder if there are other issues to think about like radiation or carcinogens? Although with how much we already use our devices nowadays, I wonder whether the exposure would actually be any greater.

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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