My first, and only, exposer to AR was this past summer when I played Harry Potter: Wizards Unite on my phone. It was like discovering a hidden world; people and monsters that I couldn’t see in real life now appeared right in front of me. The world around me was transformed into an immersive gaming experience. However, there were some drawbacks – a quickly drained phone battery and some adjustments to my walking as I wandered around navigating my space through a phone screen.
If we have a hand held device, we have the power in our hands to transform our surroundings and unlock the hidden treasures AR allows us to see. So, what are some of the experiences available to us?
I started with Google and found lists upon lists of the “best” AR games available. The first four sites are for game apps specifically and the last four are for educational apps specifically. These sites were the first four listed for my two Google searches.

After viewing them, the following were listed multiple times:
AR Games:
- Ingress
- Kinghtful AR
- Pokemon Go
- Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
- Zombies Run
- Jenga AR
AR Education:
- Anatomy 4D
- Quiver
- Elements 4D
- Blipper
- Star Walk
- Dino Park
I have not had the opportunity yet to test run these apps (other than Harry Potter Unite) so I’m curious, has anyone had experience with any of the apps listed above? Also, are there any AR apps that you have used that you would recommend share?