Teooh: Avatar based video conferencing

Tired of Google Meets? Zoom fatigue?  COVID has forced much of our socialization online this past year. Teooh is a new avatar based conferencing app that will engage your students and is a fun way to visit with your friends and family.  

Teeoh Analysis

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9 responses to “Teooh: Avatar based video conferencing”

  1. Elixa Neumann

    Great presentation! I have been previously exploring Teooh and Framevr.io for my A3 project to look at how this technology can be used. Many of these platforms are still in BETA mode, but have extended possibilities when we examine their impact in education, especially with the transition to on-line learning.

    I’ve been reading a large quantity of research papers on VR avatars reducing anxiety in learners. Why do you think a technology like this has such a strong impact on our learners? And do you think many teachers will be comfortable with classroom management in environments like these?

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Ying Gu

    Hi DeeDee,

    I love your chosen medium to present your A1; it certainly is media rich! Are the gestures as you speak automatic? Does Teooh have VR capabilities? It looks like a 3D meeting space to me, and I imagine the gestures will seem more natural if the speaker was in total control of them.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. DeeDee Perrott

      Thanks Ying. The setting is VR but not in the same sense as using a VR headset like an Oculus. The gestures are automatic but feel pretty natural. There are a few movements and expressions you can control with short cut keys -https://help.teooh.com/en/articles/4207410-how-do-i-control-my-avatar-in-an-event
      Would love to hear feedback if you get a chance to try it out.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Evelyne Tsang

    Hi Dee Dee,

    This is a great app for giving a feeling of informal connnection, and I am going to try it out for my next team coffeebreak!

    My question is more about privacy. I will definitely look into the use of this app for my workplace, but as we often share documents and screens, I wonder about how secure the network is against hacking or hijacking.

    Also, is there a record feature, and a common doodle section? These would be functionalities that I would need before truly adopting it.

    In a social aspect I think a staff party would be fun in this setting!

    Your interactive comparison of the different videoconferencing apps did not work on your genial.ly btw.

    Thank you for introducing me to this app!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Evelyne Tsang

      Hi again,
      I just wanted to point out that this app also has VR capabilities!
      I like this for non-commercial uses, but again, after reading the privacy clause, I would hesitate to use it for formal (private)business meetings.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    2. DeeDee Perrott

      Hi Evelyne,

      Thanks for the detailed response. The staff party was a great time and we do meet for coffee in Teooh periodically as all the staff at my school are working remotely right now. I tried out the genial.ly on several different devices and find all the components are working. You just need to hover over the comparison section (on the logos) for the pop ups to be seen. On the top right corner there is a hand you can press and it will highlight all the interactive features.

      At the moment there is not a record or doodle section, just a chat. It is still in early access mode and they are very responsive to suggestions so there could be more improvements coming. You could get around the record by using Loom or Screencastify to record screen but it does add a step. The same with the doodle, you can use apps outside of Teooh and then share on your screen.

      What concerns you specifically in the privacy clause that is different from say Zoom or Skype?

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. lyndsay barrett

    I really like how you gave an overview of the app and then tied it to concrete education examples. I’m inspired to use it myself!

    One thing I’ve struggled with video calling,. particularly with more than one person, is the rhythm of conversation. Do you find Teooh helps with that at all? If you have a number of people around a table, how easy is it for them to talk freely?

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. DeeDee Perrott

      Hi Lyndsay,

      I find that the conversation is more natural and you can cross talk within the table. On our games night it was fun because the person leading on the stage could ask questions and then you could discuss privately at your table and then send some shade to other teams through the chat. I would love to hear what you think of it once you have a chance to try it yourself.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. lyndsay barrett

        That is really useful functionality! I find platforms that allow multiple forms of engagement simultaneously to be much more rewarding to use. I’ll let you know how it goes!

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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