2 responses to “A1 – View Context-Aware from Users’ Perspective”

  1. loveleen kour reen

    Hi Shirley,

    Your article on user context awareness is very informative and thought provoking. The machine learning, deep learning and neural network of AI is sensing, detecting, giving personalized feedback and recommendations with respect to the user’s context. I found another article which is very relevant to what you have explained in your work. It is called “Educational Playgrounds: How context-aware systems enable playful coached learning”. By understanding the user context, PCL provides hands-on learning by augmenting the physical world.
    It is a good read. Here is the link:


    ( 3 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Shirley Shi

      Hi Loveleen,

      Thank you so much for your comment and the reference. How wonderful is the article you recommend me; I really enjoyed reading it! It focuses on skill-training with detailed descriptive examples, giving us a glimpse of how the technologies could be used in the near future. Just like the opinion in the article, “Most components are already in place, but they have not yet been combined and tailored to fit the field of education”, context awareness, from concept to practical application, needs to be creatively implanted into specific educational fields. Thanks, Shirley

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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