A1 – Best apps for foreign language learning
Hi guys! In this video I share the results of my research on the best apps on the market for foreign language learning. There are many options, obviously more than the five mentioned here, but I narrowed the list down to just this handful. I’ve been learning Spanish and German for quite awhile now and […]
Better Together: D&I Technology
Grasping the importance and value of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workforce characterizes cutting-edge organizational governance. There is a growing awareness that deeply embedded unconscious bias both harms persons of marginalized communities and hampers companies from activating the full potential of their employees. Diversity initiatives prompted by progressive social change and government mandate have […]
PolterApps They’re heeere!
Interconnectivty is one of the cornerstones of the convenience and ease of use that characterize mobile apps and mobile devices. However, this characteristic also enables a less savoury aspect of this technology, the so-called surveillance economy. Close monitoring of inter-device/app communication that was ongoing in a typical home, uncovered a huge amount of metadata being […]
AttentiveLearner: Machine Intelligence/Body Feedback
I choose this video from the Pittsburgh ML Summit 2019 in which Jing Tao Wang, a researcher at Google, describes some of the projects he’s developing. One that intrigued me was AttentiveLearner. I was fascinated by this because it combines several Frontier themes I was interested in: AI, MOOCS, and transhumanity, . AttentiveLearner is designed […]
Hi Everyone
My name is Gary Reimer and I live in Vancouver, B.C. This is my 7th MET course. I’ve worked for a number of private institutions in the English as a Second and Foreign language education field, mostly teaching but with stints in administration, curriculum and program development and marketing. Currently, I work with the British […]