A3: The Intersection of Big Data, Education and Mobile Technology
My forecast for the future is one that explores the possibility of big data informing differentiated and student specific learning along with intentional instructional choices. I’m curious how, educators might mobilize complex and multi-faceted data to reimagine teaching and learning through an application on a mobile device. The world will always need educators, however the […]
(A2) SMART BUY: How to Build Exceptional User Experience into an App
Welcome to Experience Design! This week we’ll explore how to take an idea for an app from the initial big idea to a powerful tool on the screen of a mobile phone. Your Team: Elizabeth Berger, Gary Reimer, Leo Jiang and (Grace) Ellen Reid http://elizabeth.demonstration.s3.amazonaws.com/SMART%20BUY%20FINAL/content/index.html
A1: Outdoor Learning Meets Mobile Technology
Please access my vlog/ podcast here, where I explore the pairing of outdoor learning and mobile technology to establish a deeper and more meaningful learning experience for students.
Mobilizing Indigenous Education
In honour of the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, it seems fitting that one explores how mobile technology is responding to the Calls to Action that were laid out in 2015. When exploring I came across a few apps. The first is the Reconciliation: A Starting Point which is an app created by the Government of Canada […]
Bird Call Field Guide
Along the same vein, as the apps Seek and iNaturalist, that have been previously reviewed, is the app Merlin bird ID app by Cornell University. This is an app that is uses bird calls to help identify the exact species. When I first heard of this it reminded me of the field guides I use […]
Telehealth in the Palm of our Hands
The readiness and affordances of telehealth have been an asset during the current global pandemic. Various apps are emerging that allow you to choose the preferred specialist, doctor, and appointment time from your phone screen. As a family that has been without a doctor for almost two years, it is a sigh of relief that […]
Learning as I go!
I’m so grateful to be here! I am entering my 19th year teaching in Richmond, BC. Currently, I am a Teacher Consultant for Digital Literacy from K-12. I wouldn’t say I’m tech savvy however, I thrive on reimagine learning through the lens of digital tools, exploring affordances and nudging educators to try something new and […]