A3-Mixed Reality for Career Education

A3-Mixed Reality for Career Education

Hello everyone, for my A3 assignment, I decided to explore a possible solution to the problem of career education that we have been struggling with for years. And mixed reality technology could be a good way to explore different options. My website can be found here.

A1 Fiction Express-you decide, the author writes

A1 Fiction Express-you decide, the author writes

For the A1 assignment, I created a video to go through a reading platform: Fiction Express. Fiction Express is a platform that offers innovative online fiction for students to read. The highlights of this platform are that it connects the professional authors and readers through online voting. The readers can vote on where the story […]

How young is too young for mobile learning?

Originally posted by norah smith on September 29, 2019 I had my nieces over to visit recently and they insisted on downloading some apps on my phone that they could play with. As I was doing quick searches to see what was most recommended, I was a little taken aback when I came across a plethora of […]

A1 – MyBlueprint

Originally posted by Jennifer L on October 11, 2019 I have chosen to analyze MyBlueprint for my A1 project. MyBlueprint is an online portfolio, similar to FreshGrade, that the Vancouver School Board started investing in. My school has volunteered to pilot this program, so this project came at the right time! In the video, I tried […]

A3: WeChat Mini Programs: The Future of Effective, Context-Mediated Mobile Education?

Originally posted by Meghan Gallant on November 24, 2017 Motivation and Process As an educator living and working in a country where it is odd to see someone not looking at their phone, and where a phone with WeChat can allow one to accomplish an entire day’s worth of activities–from buying breakfast to doing some late-night online […]

A1 : The impact of mobile learning on cognitive learning

Originally posted by vivien kamhoua on June 23, 2018 I can personally see some changes that technology immersion and mobile learning are bringing into my cognitive learning habits. I have decided to investigate how mobile learning is affecting our cognitive learning. From the time where it was common to memorise and remember someone’s phone number till now […]

InsertLearning: Insert instructional content on any web page

InsertLearning: Insert instructional content on any web page

Originally By David CHO on September 12, 2019 InsertLearning was developed by two high school teachers who wanted to create a more abundant learning experience for their students. So they decided to help teachers turn the Internet into an interactive learning experience and InsertLearning is the byproduct of it. Teachers can insert questions, discussions, and […]

Hi From Liuzhou China

Hi From Liuzhou China

Hi, my name is Jane Wu. I live in a small city of 4 million people that you’ve never heard of – Liuzhou, southern China. However, our local noodle makes its name worldwide through its special stinky smell and irresistible sour and spicy flavour. We are officially in summer now. This is my second course […]