A3 – Pick.Me: A Study Buddy Match Making Program for Online Learning
For my A3, I wanted to look at a way to foster connections and relationships in online courses. Participating in an online course can make learners feel isolated, anxious, and even frustrated at times. Sometimes asking simple questions can seem difficult as the only options available are to email your instructor or post your question […]
A1 – Location-Based AR and Indigenous Applications
Hi Everyone, This is the first podcast I have done and first time using SoundCloud. Hope you enjoy 🙂 Resources: CBC Radio (2017, March 10). Tech entrepreneur Adrian Duke is building an augmented reality app to tell Indigenous stories. CBC. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/episode-328-cia-secrets-leaked-phyllis-diller-s-gag-file-virtual-indigenous-history-and-more-1.4015018/tech-entrepreneur-adrian-duke-is-building-an-augmented-reality-app-to-tell-indigenous-stories-1.4015037 Harley, J. M., Lajoie, S. P., Tressel, T., & Jarrell, A. (2018). […]
A3 – School Time – BYOD Integration Done Right
Original post by: Brian Haas on March 23, 2019 Authentic learning in the 21st century requires a digital component. The problem is, with the constant changes in the world of technology it is financially impossible for schools to keep equipment up to date. One potential solution to this problem is the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) movement. This […]
A3: Happiness (as an additional Core Competency)
Original post by ariana debreuil on March 25, 2019 Hi Everyone! So in my search for happiness, I have decided to create something that makes me happy- a podcast! For my A3, I chose to look at how mobility could afford a happiness subject area/core competency within the BC curriculum. This is an idea I have thought […]
A3: The Future of Text-based Communication
Original post by not listed on March 23, 2016 I’m currently in ETEC590 creating my eportfolio. As I was reflecting back on my MET journey, I decided to put my learning from previous courses into a mobile context. I was inspired to write this blog after reflecting on ETEC540, which looks at the changing spaces of text technologies. […]
Holograms in education?
Original post by dustin hyde on August 5, 2018 A week or so ago I was listening to favourite podcast of mine on the CBC called Under the Influence by Terry O’Reilly. This particular episode focused on Dead Celebrities and their ability to make money via advertisements for for various companies. pDead celebrities have very little to […]
ARe you ready?
My first, and only, exposer to AR was this past summer when I played Harry Potter: Wizards Unite on my phone. It was like discovering a hidden world; people and monsters that I couldn’t see in real life now appeared right in front of me. The world around me was transformed into an immersive gaming […]
Using Biomarker Data for Education Lesson Planning
Original post by Allan on March 21, 2019 Hi all, for my A3 forecasting project I decided to try and imagine what quantified self could look like in the future and how it could relate the classroom lesson planning.What if we were able to incorporate other sensors into a smartphone in the future for the […]
Using Mobile Technologies to teach physical skills instead of knowledge
Original Post by Derrick Cheung on November 23, 2019 Hi all, For my A3 project, I looked into a potential near-future use of AR/VR tech to teach learners physical skills, such as playing instruments. Currently, there is an abundance of apps in the market that focus on teaching facts and knowledge about things and knowledge […]
Why Hello There!
Hi everyone! My name is Julia and I am a grade 6 teacher in the Okanagan (BC). This is my 9th MET course – woohoo! I am currently taking 2 courses (ETEC530) this term and feeling a little nervous about it. It’s my first time doubling up so I’m hoping I’ll be able to manage… […]