Week 12 Movable Feast – Smart Communities

Hi everyone! Sinsi, Mariya and I have created website on smart communities. Please take a look at it and feel free to take part in the discussion in the comments below. Thank you for taking the time to take a look https://sites.google.com/view/smart-communities?usp=sharing Discussion Questions

A1- Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Jennie Jiang and myself created this presentation focusing on impacts of social media and mental health and what role mobility plays. Please use the link below to access our presentation

Innovative Health Apps

As technology. continues to pave the way in modernizing our life it is not a surprise to see new innovative health apps being created. It is also not a surprise that there are so many available on mobile devices. It is estimated that there are over 6 billion mobile phones in the world and over […]

Hello from Meagan

Hello from Meagan

Hello! My name is Meagan and this semester I am completing my 8th and 9th MET class with the hopes of graduating in June. I am currently employed with the city of Edmonton as a curriculum designer in one of the largest divisions within the city. Although I do have to work night shift I […]