A3: Growing Experience with AR Gardening
21st Century Gardening Home gardening has grown in popularity over the years as people have become more aware of the health and environmental benefits. Currently there exists a wide array of supportive technology to assist the general public with their gardening goals. There are phone applications that provide access to general gardening information and methods […]
A1: An Educator’s Guide to iNaturalist
iNaturalist is a powerful mobile device application that allows citizen scientist’s all over the globe to crowd source a database of life observations. In the video below, I discuss the importance of studying nature and the basics/educational benefits of the iNaturalist. To assist educators further, I have also created a blog that contains a collection […]
iClicker: Instant feedback at your fingertips
Technology: iClicker is a unique form of open mobile learning that uses remotes, cellular phones/tablets to collect instant responses from students for the purpose of assessment. How it Works: Educators can pose questions to their students from within a classroom or through video conferencing applications. Students can then use their device along with their unique […]
Watch Parties
In light of quarantine restrictions, watch parties have grown in popularity within mobile culture and streaming services know it. Disney +, Prime Video, and Netflix are just a few streaming services that now allow you to simultaneously watch films and shows with others online to form community audiences. There are also apps and browser extensions […]
Airbeam: Mobile Crowd Sourced Science
Airbeam is a unique combination of innovation, mobile technology & crowd sourcing. Have you ever wondered about the quality of the air you are breathing every day? How about during forest fire season or in an area of high industrialization? Most commonly air quality data-supplied to the general public is obtained from large, stationary testing […]
Introductions: Neill McCallum
Hello Everyone! My name is Neill and am just starting up with the MET program! I work as a high school educator and teacher consultant (with a focus on sustainability) in Richmond, BC. When I am not teaching or enjoying family time with my wife and kids I like documenting nature (pictures/video), gardening and running […]