A3 FORECASTING PROJECT THE FUTURE OF CLASSROOMS- 3D Virtual Classrooms How will the Future Classrooms look like?Welcome to the classroom of the future that I envisioned. Teaching and learning, in which individuals gain knowledge through seeing their parents, teachers, friends, and mentors, is one of the oldest professions in the world. During formal sessions, teachers […]

A1- LIVEWORKSHEETS- Creating Interactive Worksheets and get instant student grades

During 2020 Pandemic, all schools were forced to close as governments around the world took major action to stop the spread of COVID-19. As a result, the Pandemic prompted educators to begin online instruction and maintain virtual student participation.  During Pandemic, I began making full use of Liveworksheets and learning how to construct worksheets based […]

UDEMY- Online courses- Learn anything anywhere

A perfect online platform to learn something new or share what you already know. It serves as a global hub for online learning and strives to bring people together via information. Eren Bali, the creator of Udemy, had few educational options as a child growing up in a small Turkish village, until he acquired a […]

Our addiction to selfies and photographing things around us

Are you an avid photographer who enjoys capturing picturesque sunsets, natural moments, or events you witness on the street? Most people enjoy comments on the photos they share on social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and others. Many of these images were either photoshopped or taken with filters. There is nothing wrong with posting […]

Google Classroom App- most friendly online classroom platform for all learners, an excellent teaching tool during pandemic

Google Classroom App- most friendly online classroom platform for all learners, an excellent teaching tool during pandemic

Google Classroom has long been a favourite of mine. As this relatively simple tool develops and expands, I continue to be amazed. The Google Classroom mobile app is a great example mobile technology. It can be challenging as an ESL teacher to ensure that your students comprehend the instructions.They sometimes dislike reading, or it can […]



Hello, My name is Ritu Sood. This is my fourth Met course and the journey has been great so far. I’m really looking forward to this course because I want to learn more about mobile and open learning and how to use these skills to develop courses. I am from Windsor, Ontario. I work as […]